
Mastering Transaction Desk w/Authentisign (Peoria- Jeff) (3 hrs Contract Law)

SIGN UP DIRECTLY THROUGH WESERV (previously WEMAR). This class will show you how to write a 2 minute contract with our new AAR form platform. Learn to create templates and apply them properly to all future clients, syncing transactions to all devices. Learn how esign integrates directly in the same product. Tons of tricks and tips to put this all together. Receive 3 hours of Contract Law ADRE CE Credit, named Best of Instanet- Tools for Risk Reduction & Compliance for ADRE.

Event Properties

Event Date 01-10-2020 9:00 am
Event End Date 01-10-2020 12:00 pm
Cut off date 01-11-2020 7:00 am
Capacity 100
Individual Price $10.00
Location WEMAR - 9001 W Union Hills Dr #8, Peoria, AZ 85382