
Tech Membership

For 14.99/month, Tech Membership members will receive a 15% discount on all live classes and live webinars. Members will also get access to Mr. Tech’s bi-weekly (twice a month) Members ONLY newsletter along with an online live Q & A session and training.

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Silver Membership

For $29.99/month, Silver members will get a 25% discount on all live classes and live webinars. Silver Members will also get access to Mr. Tech’s bi-weekly (twice a month) Members ONLY newsletter; an online live Q & A session and training and one 30 minute online private training session with Mr. Tech, once a month.

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Gold Membership

For $49.99/month, Gold members will get a 50% discount on all live classes and live webinars. Gold members will also get access to Mr. Tech’s bi-weekly (twice a month) Members ONLY newsletter; an online live Q & A session and training and one 30 minute online private training session with Mr. Tech, twice a month.

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Platinum Membership

For $99.99/month, Platinum members will get a combination of 4 live classes and live webinars every month. Plantinum members will also get access to Mr. Tech’s bi-weekly (twice a month) Members ONLY newsletter; an online live Q & A session and training and one hour online private training session with Mr. Tech, twice a month.

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